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State University of New York Chancellor Nancy Zimpher will announce today a new transfer policy.

Starting this fall, SUNY is guaranteeing that students can transfer from a community college with all of their general education requirements and courses toward their major to and from any SUNY campus. The policy allows students to transfer credits in any direction, but also works to keep costs down by capping the number of credits they can earn for all undergraduate degree programs at 64 credits for an associate degree and 126 for a bachelor's.

"The full implementation of SUNY's seamless transfer initiative will provide an unprecedented level of guidance to students as they seek to transfer between and among SUNY institutions," said Peter Knuepfer, a SUNY trustee and president of the University Faculty Senate, in a news release. "More than 1,000 faculty members worked in disciplinary groups to identify transfer paths that provide the framework of required and recommended courses in the first two years, so that students know what to take if they plan to transfer and complete a particular major."

More than 30,000 students transfer within SUNY each year, with 49 percent transferring from a community college to a four-year campus. Sixteen percent move from one four-year institution to another, 17 percent transfer from a four-year to a community college and 18 percent move between two-year institutions.