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The job market for college graduates is in for a third straight year of “explosive” growth, according to the largest annual survey of U.S. employers. Michigan State University’s Recruiting Trends report projects a 15 percent jump in hiring across all degree levels, driven primarily by growing companies and employee turnover. “Most signs point to another explosive year of growth in the job market for college graduates,” said Phil Gardner, director of the collegiate employment research institute and lead author of the nationwide survey of 4,700 employers. “Even if the economic headwinds strengthen, the college job market should withstand a bump in the road.”

Starting salaries are more of a mixed bag, though. They should grow between 2 and 5 percent over all, and some fields, like engineering and information technology, are likely to see even bigger hikes. But others may see starting salaries drop or lag behind inflation, and most employers, 61 percent, say they will not change them at all this year.