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Critics of the new "campus carry" law that will go into effect in Texas next year have become creative. First we had the Campus (Dildo) Carry campaign in which students are pledging to carry around dildos (banned by state law in open display as obscene) to raise questions about what is and isn't illegal to have at a Texas college. Now the liberal blog Daily Kos is drawing attention to a kind of toy weapon that is banned on some campuses, and will continue to be banned, even as real guns are permitted. And that of course is the Nerf weapon. Texas A&M University's rules for dormitories specifically bar "projectiles," explaining: "Propelling devices, such as rockets, catapults, slingshots, Nerf-type guns or any homemade device for the purpose of launching an object, are prohibited." At right is an object that would be banned even as guns are permitted, the Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster.