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Amy Bishop, a former biology professor at the University of Alabama at Huntsville, has for the first time apologized for in 2010 killing three of her then colleagues and injuring three others, NBC News reported. In a handwritten note as part of a new appeal to undo a plea agreement she made, Bishop referred to what she did as a "terrible crime" and said she was "terribly sorry for the victims and their families, and my family." She is serving a life term under the plea agreement, but is asking that it be thrown out on the grounds that she was mentally ill at the time, and that her lawyer didn't adequately represent her.

One of those she injured, Joseph Leahy, a microbiology professor, said he doubted the sincerity of the apology. "Do I think she's truly sorry?" he asked. "I think she truly wants to get out of prison. That's what I think."