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The Aspen Institute, an education and policy studies organization, announced today 40 community college leaders as part of the inaugural Aspen Presidential Fellowship.
The fellowship is a highly selective yearlong program to prepare people aspiring to or recently appointed to a community college presidency. The fellows will participate in a series of seminars and receive mentorship through a collaboration with Stanford University's faculty and top community college leaders.
"This class of remarkable fellows will expand the talent pipeline to the presidency at a time of dramatic presidential turnover and an urgent need to improve student outcomes," said Josh Wyner, executive director of the Aspen Institute's College Excellence Program. "These individuals are deeply committed to making a difference. They are eager to take bold action to help more students, especially those facing the greatest odds, earn credentials that reflect rigorous learning and lead to well-paying jobs."
More than half of the fellows are working at community colleges that are partnered with Achieving the Dream, about 60 percent of the class are women and about 30 percent are black or Latino.
The first class will begin in July, and they're expected to complete the program by next spring. Applications for the second class will be available Sept. 30.