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More than half of graduating high school students who don't complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid don't know anything about financial aid, according to research released Monday by the National College Access Network.

That finding indicates that more students would apply for and receive federal financial aid for college even without one-on-one assistance if they knew about the availability of funds to pay for college, the group said. The network's study also found that there is sufficient information available about financial aid but it is not reaching the students who most need it.

NCAN conducted a survey over the summer of 150 low-income high school graduates between the ages of 17 and 20 who had already entered college or planned to attend. Half of those had not yet applied for aid. The group last week launched a national campaign to encourage high school seniors to complete the FAFSA, specifically targeting low-income students who are least likely to finish the application. NCAN partnered with the White House as well as celebrities and social media stars to promote the campaign.