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All seven members of the Faculty Senate at Gordon College resigned from the body last week. The Faculty Senate at Gordon not only provides advice but also acts as the panel that reviews tenure bids before making recommendations to the provost and president. In the last year, the pattern of the Faculty Senate recommendations being followed ended, according to the professors who resigned. Many also interpreted comments by Michael Lindsey, president at Gordon, as indicating that the administration did not need to abide by a faculty/administration handbook -- a view with which professors disagree.

The college released this statement about the resignations: "Gordon’s president and provost were quite surprised to learn just a few hours before a regular monthly faculty meeting on Wednesday that the seven members of the senate had decided to resign from their elected roles as faculty representatives in the promotion and tenure review process. We were disappointed the senate rejected a request for further conversation before their decision became final …. We continue to believe that a highly effective senate facilitates the flourishing of Gordon’s faculty and very much want to work together in collaborative and valuable forms of shared governance, especially when perspectives differ on the process and outcomes."

The dispute comes as one faculty member has filed a complaint with a Massachusetts equal-employment commission charging that she was denied a promotion because she has criticized the college's policies against employing those in gay or lesbian relationships.