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Fuller Theological Seminary will close several of its campuses amid falling in-person enrollment and rising online enrollment.

The seminary based in Pasadena, Calif., plans to close campuses in Seattle, Menlo Park, Calif., and Orange County, Calif., Christian Today reported. It is also shutting down some degree programs and course offerings in Phoenix and Colorado Springs, Colo.

Most of the changes will be effective at the end of September 2019 if they are approved by accreditors, according to a letter explaining the changes to alumni. As a result, when the 2019-20 academic year begins, Fuller will have courses online and in Pasadena, Houston, Phoenix and Colorado Springs.

Regional campus winter quarter enrollment dropped by 30 percent from 2013 to 2017, the letter said. Online enrollment rose by almost 50 percent during the same time period.

“We understand that for alumni whose primary formation experience was at a regional campus, the decision to close campuses and programs is a source of sadness and grief,” Fuller President Mark Labberton wrote in the letter. “The leadership team of the seminary shares this sense of loss and wrestled through the difficult decisions with careful analysis over an extended period of time.”