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American University has expelled 18 students and put another on probation for their involvement in what the institution calls an “underground” group that has hazed its members and sparked violence on the campus for 15 years.

The university announced on Monday the sanctions against 19 students in Epsilon Iota, or EI, a group that formed from the remnants of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, which suspended its chapter at American in 2000 after alcohol and hazing violations.

In 2002, those former fraternity members created EI.

"This group has perpetuated and systematically presented a threat to the safety and well-being of our students," Fanta Aw, the interim vice president of campus life, said in a statement. "This should send a strong message to anyone involved with groups engaged in activities prohibited by the conduct code."

Members of EI have reportedly raped and sexually assaulted other students, used illegal drugs, and drunk while underage, the university said. It has charged 67 students associated with the group with conduct violations since 2010.

More than 70 pages of lewd emails and text messages among group members were leaked online in 2014 and show them discussing rape, drug use and whether one of their members “beat up” a female student.