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The mock trial coach at the University of Maryland at College Park resigned after he accidentally shared an email exchange including remarks that demeaned Latino students. Mark Graber -- who sent the email -- had also been scheduled to teach this fall as a visiting professor.

The email included exchanges with his daughter, Abigail Graber, a lawyer who was acting as an assistant coach at the time, who has also resigned from her role.

In the emails, first reported by student newspaper The Diamondback and later by The Washington Post, Mark and Abigail Graber are discussing diversity, and go on to call the Latino students "mediocre" and "pretty bad."

“I've started sorting the unregistered students," Abigail Graber wrote to her father. "The question I have is about diversity. There were three (obviously) Latino students who came; one was mediocre, two were pretty bad (one of the two bad ones didn't seem to take it especially seriously). But we have almost no Latino students on team.”

She then asked how many to take, saying she only thought one of them was qualified, and noting that none had mock trial experience.

The university asked that the Mark and Abigail Graber resign after Mark Graber later accidentally included the exchange in an email he sent to students in the mock trial class.