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U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has been invited to speak at the opening ceremony for a Michigan State University research center, and not everyone is pleased.

DeVos was invited to speak Sept. 20 at MSU’s Grand Rapids Research Center. She hasn’t confirmed her attendance, local media reported, although a petition with nearly 2,500 signatures is calling on the university to rescind its invitation.

The petition was started by Caryl Sortwell, a professor of translational science and molecular medicine. Sortwell told that she and others are not protesting DeVos personally, but rather what she represents as a member of the Trump administration.

"We were horrified -- the best analogy I've heard is that it's like inviting an iceberg to give a keynote at the launch of the Titanic," Sortwell said.

"We are so grateful that [the opening of the center is] happening, and it wouldn't be possible without all the partners in the community," she said. "It's a wonderful event that now has been just tarnished for many people if she is allowed to keynote at it."

If DeVos attends, a protest has been planned outside the research center.