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The University of Groningen, in the Netherlands, announced on Monday that it will “reconsider” its plans for a campus in Yantai, China, and that it will not move ahead with a proposal to offer Groningen degrees there. A statement from the university cites “insufficient support within the University Council,” the elected body representing Groningen’s faculty and students.

“This means that the Board of the University will cancel its plans to offer entire degree programs under the responsibility of the UG in Yantai,” Groningen's president, Sibrand Poppema, said in a statement. “In the near future we will investigate, together with the faculties and degree programs, which other forms of collaboration are possible in Yantai.”

Groningen had planned to offer bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. programs in Yantai. According to the university’s website, a “large part of the campus has already been developed.”