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This fall, Brown University and nonprofit theater Trinity Repertory Company are giving full tuition scholarships to all returning and future students in the college’s master of fine arts programs in acting and directing.

The initiative aims to diversify the programs’ students in terms of race and income, according to a university press release. “In the theater world, diversity is often hampered by the inability of low-income artists and artists of color to afford to be creators,” said Patricia Ybarra, chair of Brown’s theater arts and performance studies department.

The scholarships will alleviate a significant financial weight for artists, whose successes are often not reflected in their salaries, the release said.

“You cannot take risks and choose your own path when hampered by debt, and I am hopeful that we will see riskier and more innovative work as a result of this change,” Ybarra said.

Students can also apply for a stipend to account for living expenses. This funding will be awarded based on financial need. Candidates in the directing program also have the chance to work as a teacher’s assistant or a proctor.