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Word leaked a week ago that the Trump administration is considering a plan to remove the legal status of transgender people, effectively eliminating federal protection for people based on their gender identities. College policies on transgender students and employees vary widely, but several presidents of institutions that have pledged in the past to ban discrimination against transgender people have in the last week affirmed those commitments.

Among those issuing statement have been Eric Barron, president of Pennsylvania State University; Philip DiStefano, chancellor of the University of Colorado at Boulder; Miriam E. Nelson, president of Hampshire College; and Michael S. Roth, president of Wesleyan University. Wrote Roth: "At Wesleyan we will fight back against any attempt to erase transgender people. We will stand by our transgender friends and colleagues, we will recognize them, acknowledge their struggles, and join with them to fight for equality. The stakes are high for all of us."