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Six years ago, in 2012, Inside Higher Ed introduced its Cartoon Caption Contest, which we hoped would entertain and engage our readers with an alternative to our usual weighty reportage and commentary. Once a month since then, Matthew Henry Hall gave our readers something to chuckle about, get creative with and vote on.

Many good things come to an end, and so it is for the caption contest. This month provides your last chance to vote on our three favorite captions for our last cartoon, which you can do here.

And congratulations to the winner of our penultimate contest: Jennifer Westman, registrar at Wyoming Catholic College. Her caption for the cartoon at right -- "No gaming in the library during finals week. Your 'Call of Duty' should be finishing your essays and studying for your exams!" -- received the most votes from our readers. She will receive an Amazon gift certificate and a signed copy of the cartoon.

Thanks to all of you for your participation in the contest over these six years, and to Matthew Hall for inspiring you.