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LeMoyne-Owen College, a private historically black institution in Memphis, Tenn., is having its human resources office investigate those who have been calling for the resignation of President Andrea Miller, saying that the president's critics are engaged in "slander," The Memphis Commercial Appeal reported. "Given the serious nature of the allegations, the negative impact to the College, and the potential slander against President Miller, this is to notify all faculty, staff, and students that a formal investigation through human resources and external legal experts has been launched," said a letter distributed on campus. "The results of this investigation will include resolution measures as well as disciplinary and legal action if appropriate."

Students and faculty have questioned Miller's leadership, with students saying that dormitories have mold and rodents. In addition, Miller was accused of plagiarizing a famous pastor during her convocation speech to new freshmen in October. She has maintained that the material was "within the boundaries of fair use."

Update: Miller issued this statement:

"We want to address the concerns over the letter that was recently distributed through our human resources department. It was not meant to subdue the voices of those who have legitimate concerns that we want and need to hear. Instead, it was sent with the hope of quelling the gross misuse of our college's information technology systems and violations of internal policies we have in place for faculty, staff and students – all created and necessary to protect those our institution proudly serves. Some of these violations even warrant grounds for dismissal. Additionally, in the letter, we are also addressing the misrepresentation of certain official student, faculty and alumni groups, including the "LOC Alumni Network," which is not the official alumni association of the college. To elaborate, both the local and national LeMoyne-Owen College Alumni Association presidents have expressed they had no knowledge of the LOC Alumni Network and its intention to represent all alumni in the call for my resignation. The association's official statement on this matter can be found on its Facebook page."