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Anthony A. Azenabor, professor of health sciences at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, was charged with two counts of felony sexual assault with the use of force and one count of fourth-degree sexual assault in offenses that took place in March, April and May of last year, according to the Journal-Sentinel. He’s been ordered to surrender his passport by Wednesday, with bond set at $7,500. A preliminary hearing is set for March 13.

Chancellor Mark A. Mone said in a campus memo that Azenabor is not teaching this semester, and that while a no-contact order was issued as part of his legal proceedings, the university “took actions previously to preclude” Azenabor from having any contact with students. The charges against Azenabor “are very serious,” Mone said. Campus police have been “working closely with the district attorney’s office on the criminal investigation, and university leadership is evaluating his continued employment.” Azenabor did not respond to a request for comment.