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Inflation for U.S. colleges is estimated to rise 2.6 percent in this fiscal year, according to the first projections for 2019 from the Commonfund Higher Education Price Index.

The inflation estimates from the Commonfund Institute, a branch of the institutional investment fund, are drawn from government and industry sources and are designed to measure the average relative price of goods and services purchased by colleges through educational and general expenditures, excluding research. The index differs from the Consumer Price Index and other measures of inflation primarily by projecting future budget increases for colleges that are required to preserve their purchasing power.

The HEPI estimate for 2019 is down slightly from the 2.8 percent inflation rate for colleges last year.

In a change, the institute will begin producing HEPI estimates throughout the year. And later this year the institute will release regional variants of the index that will cover nine geographic regions of the U.S., as well as specialized versions based on categories of higher education institutions.