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Not only has COVID-19 become a new crisis for college and university leaders to respond to, but the impact of the virus on the economy is also, in many ways, exacerbating the issues schools are already facing.

The spring 2020 edition of "Pulse: Higher Ed Intelligence," Inside Higher Ed’s publication for educating higher ed leadership teams on the most important issues in higher education today, addresses these concerns. The report contains critical information, and as a result, Inside Higher Ed has decided to make it available to all institutions at no charge. You may request your free copy here.

The report opens with an examination of how the world changed drastically in the first quarter of 2020, focusing on how institutions adapted on the fly as the health crisis strained and ultimately either shut down or transformed many campus activities and operations. We also look at how presidents and boards sought to prioritize the many pressing demands and expectations and offer advice from crisis-tested administrators and other experts on how colleges and universities can best weather a crisis that could stretch on for months. Finally, the report addresses the likelihood that COVID-19 will speed up the onset of a worldwide recession that economists had previously expected might be averted until 2021.

Featuring interviews with experts and a deep analysis of changes that could impact higher ed institutions' decision making, each quarterly edition of "Pulse" is tailored to address the specific challenges and opportunities facing community colleges, four-year private institutions and four-year public institutions. Individual editions and annual subscriptions are available.

For a limited time, you may request a FREE copy here. We also invite you to contact Inside Higher Ed publisher Mark Belles at for subscription details.