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Janet Napolitano, president of the University of California system, is proposing that the UC campuses eliminate the SAT/ACT requirement and come up with a new test for students. For students who enroll in the fall of 2021, the system is already test optional because of COVID-19. She proposes that UC suspend the requirement for undergraduate admissions through 2024, the last two years of which UC would be test blind, meaning test scores would not be used in admissions decisions.

She also proposed that "by January 2021, UC will undertake a process to identify or create a new test that aligns with the content UC expects students should have mastered to demonstrate college readiness for California freshmen." And she said that "if UC is unable to either modify or create a test that meets these criteria and can be available for applicants for fall 2025, UC will eliminate altogether the use of the ACT/SAT for freshman admissions."