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A retired education professor at Miami University, in Ohio, was accused of making racist remarks to peaceful protesters, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported. A petition calling for the removal of the faculty member, Douglas Brooks, accuses him of openly mocking demonstrators and calling them “racist names” during a march in solidarity with the black community held on Thursday.

Miami’s provost, Jason Osborne, said in a statement that the university “received multiple reports that Douglas Brooks, a retired Miami University faculty member made vile, hurtful, and inflammatory remarks to a group of peaceful protesters in Oxford.”

“We have spoken to Dr. Brooks and he denies the allegations,” Osborne said. “Despite that, because he is teaching a class this summer, we will provide students the opportunity to complete their course with another professor. We will continue to take all appropriate steps needed to protect our students and colleagues from bigoted actions, but let me clearly state that no student, staff, or faculty member can be dismissed or punished for expressing their individual constitutional rights.”

Brooks did not respond to Inside Higher Ed’s emailed request for comment on Sunday.