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The Goddard College Alumni Association passed a vote of no confidence in Dan Hocoy, president of the liberal arts college in Plainfield, Vt., and the college’s Board of Trustees. The vote came after the college canceled a long-planned alumni weekend because it conflicted with the board’s annual meeting.

Without a director of facilities or development, the college did not have the Wi-Fi or personnel capacity to accommodate both events, according to an explanation by the college that was quoted in the alumni association’s letter about the vote.

Alumni expressed a number of other concerns in their letter. They alleged that Hocoy was selected via a search process that was not transparent or fair, and that Hocoy inflated his accomplishments and was not properly vetted by the board. They also said that board members do not donate enough money to the college and that the board allowed several campus buildings to fall into disrepair.

“The leadership has shown disdain for alumni, faculty, student and staff perspectives, input and experiences. They’ve chosen to stifle campus community participation in decision-making processes -- a stark departure from Goddard’s traditional practices,” Kailina Mills, cofounder of the Goddard Alumni Council and Alumni Association, said in a press release.

The college did not respond to a request for comment.