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The Association of American Law Schools wanted to know how law deans are different now, after the COVID-19 pandemic. So they organized a survey by NORC at the University of Chicago.

The percentage of deans who reported spending some or a lot of their time on crisis management increased from 11 percent in 2019 to 88 percent in 2020. Deans reporting some or a lot of time dedicated to diversity, equity and inclusion efforts increased from 16 percent in 2019 to 79 percent in 2020. Student life and student conduct issues were also major foci of law school deans, with 8 percent reporting they spent some or a lot of time on the issue in 2019 compared to 44 percent in 2020. But so were budget and financial management: 49 percent before COVID-19 and 74 percent after.

You can order the survey here.