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A short-term contract extension granted to University of Maine system chancellor Dannel Malloy appears to have sidestepped system policies on how contracts are supposed to be handled.

Earlier this month, Maine’s Board of Trustees extended Malloy’s expiring contract through mid-July, but according to the Bangor Daily News, there is no system policy that provides for such a short-term agreement. Board policies set a specific, established process for contract agreements.

Malloy was given a short-term contract extension without a board vote.

“There was no vote or action taken by the Board of Trustees or the Chancellor Review Committee in regards to this mutual agreement,” a University of Maine system spokesperson told the Bangor Daily News last week. “The chancellor’s contract is set to expire on June 30. This short-term solution means he can continue to serve in his current capacity until the regular Board meeting.”

The board will next meet on July 11, when it is expected to make a decision on Malloy’s contract.

Malloy has been under fire since May for his role in withholding information on no-confidence votes in a past job leveled against Michael Laliberte, a candidate hired as president of the University of Maine at Augusta. That misstep prompted a backlash against Malloy—including a string of no-confidence votes—and Laliberte, who ultimately backed out of his appointment at Augusta yet could receive a potential payout of up to $600,000 without working a single day.