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Paul Smith's College, in the Adirondacks of New York State, is seeking permission from New York State and accreditors to merge with Fedcap Group, a nonprofit in New York City, the Adirondack Explorer reported.

"Honestly, if we were really trying to survive on our current population of young adults, who were willing to live here for four years, that would be pretty bleak," said Nicholas Hunt-Bull, the interim president of Paul Smith's. "It's really good news that we're trying to find a way to serve some new populations and then continue to be able to serve the people we do now in the region."

Fedcap would become the corporate parent, Hunt-Bull said, with information technology, human resources and finance potentially moving under the company's management. The college does not expect layoffs as a result of the merger.

A major motivation for the merger is to increase enrollment. Currently, Paul Smith's has 600 to 700 students. But the college could increase to 1,200.

Fedcap's website said it is "serving over 250,000+ people each year across an international footprint." The organization works on workforce development; education (for children, youth and adults); health services; and economic development.