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The Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity has closed its University of Miami chapter following allegations that members demeaned women and spiked drinks at an off-campus party, CBS News reported.

A leaked video of the Oct. 1 party shows male students chanting about raping women and abusing their corpses, according to the network affiliate.

“It’s sick and it’s crazy that they are chanting it together,” said Patrick McCaslin, editor of the student newspaper, The Miami Hurricane, which first broke the story.

The national leaders of Sigma Phi Epsilon issued a statement that read, “On Friday, the Sigma Phi Epsilon’s National Board of Directors unanimously decided to revoke the charter of the chapter at the University of Miami. The National Headquarters received a video demonstrating SigEp members violating policy and engaged in misogynist actions that are not aligned with the values of this Fraternity.”

The University of Miami endorsed the national board’s action.

“The University of Miami continually communicates a clear set of policies and expectations to all of our Greek organizations that are designed to encourage a safe, healthy, and positive experience for UM students,” Patricia A. Whitely, senior vice president for students, wrote in a statement. “The University received allegations the Sigma Phi Epsilon chapter violated university policy and participated in behavior that is inconsistent with the values and expectations of the university community and their national fraternity. We have partnered with Sigma Phi Epsilon for 73 years, and we support their decision to close the chapter effective immediately.”