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As we prepare to take a few days off for Thanksgiving I’ve been reflecting on how grateful that I am for our small, and very well connected, edtech community.
How are you and I connected?
Have we worked together? Collaborated on some project? Do we know each other from having met at a conference?
Or maybe we know each other from having worked at the same university (I’ve worked at 3), the same company (1), or from grad school?
Maybe we have exchanged e-mail or tweeted about each others work? I might read your stuff online? Or we have served on committees together? Planned conferences and meetings? Participated in webinars together? Have I watched your demos or purchased your software?
How have our paths crossed at the the intersection of learning and technology?
I was reminded of how small our edtech world really is by a post that I read from Sheila Cubert, the Head of the Loomis Chaffee School. Sheila’s was inspired by my blog post 11 Mini Reviews to write about the books that she has been reading, Good Books Beckon.
Not only was I excited that Sheila shared her book list (it is an amazing list - and she also includes details on her reading platforms), I got great pleasure in the connections that Sheila and I share.
Sheila writes that, "coincidentally, Josh works at Dartmouth College and used to be my next door neighbor!”. Her husband, Richard Wright, is a Professor of Geography at my institution, where Sheila also worked before her move to Loomis Chaffee.
I discovered Sheila’s blog post when Newsle sent me a note.
Newsle was co-founded by Axel Hansen, the son of Bob Hansen, a Dean at our business school, and someone that I have worked for for the past 3 years in his role as co-faculty director in on our blended Master of Health Care Delivery Science Program. (By the way, Dean Hansen writes a terrific economics blog that you may have also read).
This story is one small example of how closely we are all connected in our world’s of learning and technology.
Our edtech community is populated by the curious and the brilliant, the cranky and the accomplished, the disrupters and the change agents.
We come from an enormous array of backgrounds, and few of us have had linear career paths.
What we all share in common is how closely we are connected with each other.
I hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday.
So how do we know each other?