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Johnson C. Smith University, a historically Black institution in Charlotte, N.C., is working to raise a quarter of a million dollars in just 10 days to help incoming freshmen afford to attend, according to The Charlotte Observer.

The university’s enrollment has spiked from 1,102 last fall to a projected 1,378 this fall, including 604 freshmen. But many won’t be able to afford to attend unless the college can provide them with additional aid—mostly in the range of $6,000 to $10,000—before classes start on Aug. 30. The university launched the fundraising blitz on Monday.

“I thought, if we’re really committed to eliminating financial barriers for students who have done everything we’ve asked them to do, we need to exhaust every resource we can,” JCSU president Valerie Kinloch told The Charlotte Observer. “So, this emergency aid campaign was an idea we came up with.”