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I first connected with Kris McCall, chief transformation officer at the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC), over the piece we worked on together for his recruiting an innovation architect. (If you, like Kris, want to spread the word about your fantastic academic innovation opportunity, please be in touch.)

In collaborating with Kris and learning about his work at UMGC, I thought he’d make a great candidate for my “3 Questions” series. Kris graciously agreed.

Kris McCall, a light-skinned man with blue eyes and wire-framed glasses.

Q: Tell us about your job. What are the responsibilities and accountabilities of your role as chief transformation officer? Where do you fit into the university? What do you do most days?

A: When I first stepped into the role of chief transformation officer at UMGC in 2021, I knew I was embarking on a journey to help shape the future of our institution. Our mission in the transformation office is to help drive innovation and strategic growth by collaborating with departments and leadership to tackle challenges, seize new opportunities and enhance the educational experiences of our students and the work experiences of our staff and faculty.

The transformation department is part of the Office of the University President at UMGC, and I work closely with our president to help bring his vision of the future of our university into focus. My role is to foster a collaborative environment where the transformation office acts as a trusted partner and resource for all stakeholders. In many organizations, the chief transformation officer is a dedicated IT role, but at UMGC, we are focusing on more than that.

Transformation work is about the experiences of our students, faculty and staff; the underlying processes that it takes to operate the university; the educational elements that we deliver daily to students; and the technology we use. Every day, I’m reminded of the immense potential we have to make a positive impact, and I’m dedicated to being a catalyst for change. The first couple of years we spent working to help lay the foundations for truly transformative work—think system stability, consolidation and standardization efforts. We are now beginning to tackle opportunities that will continue to ensure that UMGC is a leader in higher education for the future.

A typical day starts with a blend of planning and engagement with leaders from across the university as well as touching base with organizations and partners outside of UMGC. We discuss ongoing projects, address challenges head-on and explore opportunities for innovation. These conversations set the stage for our collaborative efforts, ensuring that everyone is aligned and informed. Part of my role involves connecting with potential partners that are coming to UMGC with solutions to our problems, and I help determine the real solutions from the noise. I spend time researching white papers, articles and detailed reports on emerging trends and strategic issues in higher education to determine what we should be paying attention to and how UMGC should think about addressing those items in the future. Sharing these insights sparks conversations that drive strategic thinking and innovation across the university.

Transformation and innovation are key components of what I do. I actively encourage and support projects that align with our strategic vision. Whether it’s implementing new technological solutions with our tech partner AccelerEd or fostering creative initiatives within departments, my goal is to streamline processes and enhance educational delivery.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my job is fostering collaborative relationships. I believe in the power of teamwork and open communication. To that end, I participate in meetings, workshops and brainstorming sessions, bringing together cross-functional teams to tackle specific challenges and generate innovative solutions. These sessions are dynamic and energizing, often leading to breakthrough ideas that propel us forward. By sharing the expertise of the transformation office in technology, best practices, planning and analysis, we aim to empower departments to achieve their objectives and contribute to our collective success, and I take pride in acknowledging and celebrating the contributions of departments and individuals who successfully work with the team.

Q: What was the educational and professional path that led you to your role as chief transformation officer?

A: My journey to becoming the chief transformation officer at the University of Maryland Global Campus has been a fulfilling and dynamic path, marked by a passion for higher education and a commitment to innovation and excellence. It all began over 20 years ago, when I embarked on a career that would see me navigate the academic world, always with an eye toward transformative leadership.

My educational foundation was laid at Northern Illinois University, where I earned a bachelor of science in economics and at Colorado Technical University where I pursued a master of science in management focusing on business management and project management. These academic pursuits provided me with a robust framework for strategic planning and operational efficiency, essential tools for my future roles.

My professional journey began at Career Education Corporation’s Online Education Group (now Perdoceo Education), where I ascended to the position of vice president of operations/student management. I was responsible for guidance, advice and support for the operations of several institutions, including AIU, CTU and IADT. I directed essential departments, optimized staff performance and implemented strategic initiatives that significantly improved operational efficiency and financial performance.

The roles at CEC allowed me to delve deeper into data-driven decision-making and operational optimization and created the foundation for the roles I would have in the future. I led comprehensive analyses to identify inefficiencies and implemented solutions that streamlined workflows and improved service delivery across numerous departments contributing to significant operational improvements and increased enrollment and retention rates.

Western International University provided the next significant chapter in my career as senior vice president of university operations. In this role, I oversaw a broad spectrum of university functions, from enrollment and financial aid to academic counseling and business intelligence. I spearheaded the transformation of operational systems and policies, driving efficiency and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. My journey continued at Pearson Online Learning Services, where I served as vice president of enterprise solutions and led efforts to drive business performance through advanced analytics and strategic innovation.

In 2018, I joined UMGC as vice president of academic operations. This role allowed me to leverage my extensive experience in higher education to enhance essential university functions such as registrar, student records, degree audit and graduation services. I led initiatives that significantly improved academic pathways and operational efficiency. In 2021, I was honored to step into the role of chief transformation officer at UMGC. This position has been the culmination of my professional journey, allowing me to focus on business processes, technology solutions and student experiences that are critical to guiding strategic initiatives. Partnering closely with the university president, I drive forward a change agenda aimed at making UMGC the partner of choice for students and employers.

Throughout my career, I have been guided by a passion for transcending conventional boundaries, developing and implementing powerful business strategies, and delivering substantial operational improvements. As chief transformation officer, I am committed to shaping the future of higher education with integrity, creativity and strategic insight, ensuring that UMGC continues to thrive in a rapidly evolving educational landscape.

Q: What advice would you have for someone looking to move into the world of university transformation work?

A: Stepping into the realm of university transformation work is an impactful journey. It's a path filled with opportunities to drive meaningful change and elevate the educational experience for students, faculty and staff. Success in this field requires a blend of strategic foresight, analytical acumen, collaborative spirit, an innovative mindset and resilience. By using diverse experiences, fostering relationships, embracing change, exploring technology and leading with vision, you can make a significant impact in this field. Though challenging, the rewards of driving meaningful change in higher education are immeasurable.

University transformation work demands an ability to craft and implement strategic and operational plans. You will need to cultivate your skills in strategic planning, project management and business analytics to identify opportunities, develop actionable strategies and make informed decisions. Analytical thinking is crucial; you need to master the use of data and analytics to guide decision-making and integrate diverse data sets for comprehensive evaluations. These skills will help you assess potential projects and operational priorities with precision.

To be successful, you must offer leadership that turns innovative concepts into actionable strategies, be a champion of transformative initiatives and drive organizational impact through cross-functional collaboration. Always lead with integrity and a commitment to excellence, focusing on operational efficiency, quality and satisfaction. Your leadership should inspire trust, foster teamwork and emphasize respect across all levels of the organization.

Remember, transformation is a team effort relying heavily on strong collaborative relationships. Develop a network of allies across departments, regularly engaging with stakeholders through meetings, workshops and encouraging open and honest feedback. Transparent communication and active listening are key to understanding needs, addressing concerns and fostering a culture of collaboration. Effective transformation work is built on partnerships and teamwork.

In my higher ed experience, I was always one to engage and volunteer for hands-on projects involving strategic initiatives, technology integration and process optimization. Practical experience is critical for understanding the intricacies of transformation work, and gaining that experience across various roles within higher education or related fields is invaluable. Positions in operations, academic affairs, enrollment management and technology integration provide a broad perspective and deep understanding of university operations.

This diverse experience lays the groundwork for effective cross-functional leadership, equipping you to lead transformative initiatives and drive change across different departments of the institution. Innovation and problem-solving are at the heart of university transformation work so embrace roles that emphasize these aspects. Always look for opportunities to innovate and implement solutions that can significantly enhance the university’s operations and educational delivery.

Staying current with technological advancements is essential. Understanding how to integrate technology solutions to streamline processes and enhance educational delivery is critical. Be willing to explore and implement cutting-edge technologies, such as generative AI and machine learning, to improve operational efficiencies and experiences. Encouraging and supporting innovative projects and initiatives will drive the institution forward.

The journey begins with a commitment to continuous learning. In the rapidly evolving landscape of higher education, staying up on the latest trends in education, technology and management is crucial. Engage in professional development courses, earn certifications and attend conferences to expand your knowledge, skills and network. Curiosity and a forward-looking mindset are your best allies—pushing you to explore new ideas, challenge the status quo and anticipate future trends.

By integrating these elements into your career path, you can navigate the exciting and impactful world of transformation work, making a significant difference in higher education.

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