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Brian Clocksin, vice provost for strategic initiatives at the University of La Verne, in California, has been appointed provost at Samuel Merritt University, also in California.

Joseph R. Franco, interim provost at Pace University, in New York, has been named provost and executive vice president for academic affairs there on a permanent basis.

Christopher Heigle, vice president for student affairs at Arkansas Northeastern College, has been chosen as president there.

James Moore, interim president of West Virginia Wesleyan College, has been named to the job on a permanent basis.

John Karl Scholz, provost and Nellie June Gray Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, has been selected as president of the University of Oregon.

John Mark Yeats, vice president of student services at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College, in Missouri, has been chosen as president of Corban University, in Oregon.

Safa Zaki, dean of the faculty and the John B. McCoy and John T. McCoy Professor of Psychology at Williams College, in Massachusetts, has been named president of Bowdoin College, in Maine.

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