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Anne Marie Gruber, from the University of Northern Iowa, is assembling a crowd-sourced list of canceled academic conferences. If nothing else, it should provide context for others in making decisions. After the outbreak subsides, it may also make an excellent historical resource.


A few electoral thoughts, given the week we’ve had.

The Democrats have never put anyone on a national ticket -- president or VP -- from a state west of Texas. The Republicans have, several times: Nixon and Reagan from California, Goldwater and McCain from Arizona. Colorado’s Gary Hart made a good run in '84 but lost to Mondale. Yes, one could argue that Obama was from Hawaii, but in the Senate he represented Illinois.

I don’t know why the geographic pattern falls that way, but it’s consistent. The last four major candidates in the Democratic primaries this time were from Vermont, Massachusetts, New York and Delaware. (Yes, Tulsi Gabbard is from Hawaii, but so far America is mostly immune to Tulsimania.) Given how big, and how blue, California has become, I don’t think this pattern will last forever. But it has lasted for a remarkably long time.

I’ve read that nobody has been elected president who had more than 14 years’ experience in elected office. Off the top of my head, I can’t come up with an exception. Neither Biden nor Sanders fits that criterion. Warren does, but alas…

The Boy voted in his first primary on Super Tuesday. He was excited to vote and disappointed in the results. It happens. I remain baffled why New Jersey saves its primary until June, long after the dust has settled and all relevance has been lost.


Next week The Boy will be home for spring break. Order will be restored to the universe.