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Of the more than 1.22 million students who applied to college for fall 2022 using the Common Application, 2.2 percent (more than 26,300 students) reported identifying as transgender or nonbinary, and 3 percent (more than 36,800 students) indicated that they referred to themselves using pronouns beyond just “she/her” or “he/him.”

Those data are in a guide to questions on sex and gender released by the Common App and Campus Pride, a group that focuses on the needs of LGBTQ+ students.

The guide explores the Common App’s policies for colleges that may seek guidance on how to send signals to trans or nonbinary students that they are welcome to apply and enroll.

Among the changes by the Common App:

  • Changed references to sex to “legal sex”
  • Added optional pronouns
  • New prefix options: Mx. and Other
  • Systemwide replacement of “his or her” with “their”
  • Added “legal” to first/given name question.

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