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3 Presidents Rebuke Summers

In a highly unusual move, the presidents of three leading universities issued a statement Thursday to challenge the views of...

Debating Speech -- at Hamilton and Whitewater

When Ward Churchill's scheduled appearance at Hamilton College this month was called off because of threats of violence, the debate...

Choices for Brandeis

Should a liberal arts university even think about phasing out instruction in ancient Greek?

Penn and U.S. Settle Over Research Death

The university agrees to pay $500,000 and 3 scientists accept severe restrictions on their work.

A Job Training Program Emerges

Congress offered a first glimpse Wednesday at the new federal job training program for community colleges that President Bush unveiled...

Middle Ground on Military Recruiting?

The Marines are back at Middlebury College -- recruiting this week for the first time in at least a decade...

If at First You Don't Succeed

During the tech boom of the '90s, New York University and Western Governors University were among the ambitious innovators in...

Rhetoric and Reality

For much of the last year, community colleges and the Bush administration have, symbolically, been dancing cheek to cheek. Given...