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Can a Start-Up College Revive a City?

In Harrisburg, Pa., public funds help a private college attract minority students to science fields.

Plagiarism Charge

Tennessee Press suspends sale of new book on Andersonville Prison as author admits inappropriate and uncredited similarities to another work.

Stealing the News

Thousands of papers disappear at U. of Kentucky -- latest in string of thefts of student publications on various campuses.

Are College Students Techno Idiots?

They can Google and network on MySpace, but new report questions whether they can use technology to learn something worth knowing.

New Challenge to Affirmative Action

Education Department investigates complaint of Asian student rejected by Princeton.

Putting the 'Lame' in Lame Duck Session

There is no shortage of higher education issues on Congress's agenda, chief among them renewal of the Higher Education Act...

More Science, Less Social Science

Curricular reform at U. of Georgia emphasizes languages and quantitative reasoning, but leaves less room for certain disciplines.