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Universities Get Relief on Bond Rules

New IRS guidelines ease limits on federally sponsored research that institutions can conduct in facilities built with tax-exempt bonds.

Should Student Loans Go to Market?

As Congress weighs price-based auction, lenders and industry critics debate whether the approach would help or hurt students.

When Prayer Reaches the Locker Room

Dispute on whether Iowa State's football team should have spiritual adviser raises issues of church and state at public universities.

Competition for Common Application

Challenger says it will reach out to more institutions, especially publics, while dominant player defends its selective approach.

The Supreme Court's Ruling on Race

The U.S. Supreme Court today struck down -- on a 5-4 vote -- two school desegregation plans that involved assigning...

Removing the Language Barrier

As European higher education internationalizes, master's programs taught in English proliferate.

St. Andrews Faces Accreditation Loss

Southern association moves to revoke small North Carolina college's approval and places four others on probation.