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‘The Grant Writing Guide’

Author discusses her new book, on how faculty members can land grants.

Texas Universities Offer to Freeze Tuition for $1 Billion

The leaders of the six largest university systems in Texas have agreed to freeze tuition for undergraduates for the next...

How Surveillance Is Changing the Long-Haul Trucking Industry

The trucking industry is modernizing rapidly, but is it for the better? In today’s Academic Minute, Cornell University’s Karen Levy...

DeSantis Aims to Turn Public College Into ‘Hillsdale of the South’

Six new trustees were appointed at New College of Florida, including a cadre of controversial conservatives. The board aims to reshape the college in the image of a private Christian institution.

Amid Backlash, Stanford Pulls ‘Harmful Language’ List

The university’s effort to remove racist, violent and biased language from its website morphed into a PR disaster. Other colleges’ initiatives have fared better—perhaps because they are less transparent in their practices.

Income-Driven Repayment Changes to Create ‘Student Loan Safety Net’

The Education Department is also seeking input on how to create a list of programs that provide low financial value.

Career-Readiness Initiatives Are Missing the Mark

Instead of focusing on generic soft skills and internships, students need work-integrated classroom learning and pathways for building career readiness, Matthew T. Hora writes.

Study: Better Outcomes for Students in Corequisite Courses

A recent study found that community college students earn degrees quicker and increase their earnings if they get extra help...