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Burnout and Well-Being Among Health-Care Faculty

It’s been a long road for those in health care over the last few years. In today’s Academic Minute, Boise...

What If Colleges Lose at Supreme Court?

Some colleges are starting to plan for what is widely expected to happen: the end of affirmative action. They just aren’t saying so.

King’s College of N.Y.C. Faces Financial Struggles, Hopes for Partner

King’s College, in New York City, is facing severe financial difficulties, Bloomberg reported. The Christian college is very small, with...

Protests Planned for First Day of Sasse’s Presidency

On his first day as president of the University of Florida, former Republican senator Ben Sasse faces a list of demands that call for him to defy Governor Ron DeSantis’s pledged reforms.

Ensuring Underrepresented Grad Students’ Well-Being

Dinuka Gunaratne and Punita Lumb provide strategies to help racially minoritized students replenish their social resource capital so as to navigate the challenges of grad school successfully.

Focus on Mission to Yield Enrollment

There are plenty of trends that can encourage those in enrollment management, write Jason W. Osborne and Brent Shock.

The Week in Admissions News

Freshman enrollment is up; diversity leaders are leaving; how Biden could win on loan forgiveness; a letter to the Education Department.