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Aligning Curricula With Manufacturers' Needs

Groups representing advanced manufacturers have teamed up with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) to create a committee...

From Posse Participant to College President

Shirley Collado, who was named president of Ithaca College on Wednesday, will be the first college president whose higher education...

Academic Minute: Vaccinating Against Tuberculosis

Today on the Academic Minute: Ameae Walker, professor of biomedical sciences at the University of California, Riverside, describes a new...

Defending the CFPB

Congress should resist efforts to undermine the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which protects students and taxpayers, writes Christine Lindstrom.

Yiannopoulos and the Moral Crisis of Campus Conservatism

In defending their decision to host Milo Yiannopoulos's talks on grounds of freedom of speech, campus Republicans never mentioned his obscene and defamatory rhetoric, argues Robert Cohen.

Writing an Effective Abstract: An Audience-Based Approach

A bad abstract won’t by itself cause journal editors to reject a scholarly article, but it does incline them toward an initial negative answer, write Faye Halpern and James Phelan.

Critiquing 'The Quad'

Some black college presidents don't like the new BET television show about a fictional HBCU, but that doesn't mean students aren't enjoying the somewhat scandalous portrayal.

The Ethics of Sharing Predictive Analytics

Should students be told what the data predict about their chances of success? Corporate leaders in predictive analytics business consider the issue posed by an Inside Higher Ed blogger.