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Coursera Plans Expansion in Online Degrees

Online education platform Coursera has set a goal of offering 15 to 20 degree programs by the end of 2019...

Humane Studies

The eminent New Yorker writer Joseph Mitchell profiled the greatest anthropologist in the world -- and his fans somehow forgot about it for decades. Scott McLemee reports from the scene of the excavation.

Where to Nap? RIT Has a Map

Many students struggle to find someplace to catch up on sleep. Rochester Institute of Technology is helping its students out...

Central European University Under Threat

The president of a Budapest-based university founded by investor and philanthropist George Soros said in a letter to faculty, students...

Rider Will Sell Westminster Choir College

Rider University announced Tuesday that it plans to sell Westminster Choir College, a small, highly regarded music college with its...

Loyola-Chicago Professors Vote No Confidence in Education Deans

Some 85 percent of tenure-stream professors at Loyola University at Chicago's School of Education who participated a recent vote said...

Degrees Lead on Wages

Associate degrees can lead to far greater wage earnings than certificates, a new report shows.

Standing With the Vulnerable

Liberal campus criticisms of the Trump administration and broader political environment are a dime a dozen. So a new denunciation of promised deportations and other rhetoric from faculty members at Christian and Catholic colleges stands out.