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Iowa Will Pay $6.5 Million to Settle 2 Bias Suits

The University of Iowa has agreed to pay $6.5 million to a former athletics administrator and a former coach, both...

The Right to Hear Controversial Ideas

An essential task of the university is to provide a space where diverse points of view can be debated, argue five Distinguished Professors at the City University of New York, who support Linda Sarsour's right to deliver next week's commencement address.

Academic Minute: The New History of Detective Fiction

Today on the Academic Minute, Mary Bendel-Simso, professor of English at McDaniel College, discusses the real origins of the detective...

Pence and Protest at Notre Dame

Dozens walk out on his commencement speech. Vice president attacks “noxious wave” he sees in higher education.

Effects of Female Mentors on Women in Engineering

Nilanjana Dasgupta, a professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, made headlines in 2105 for her study...

Who Is Willing? Who Is Able to Pay?

Richard DiFeliciantonio considers the realities and contradictions of financial aid and admissions policy.

Contracts Withheld

St. Thomas in Houston has held back reappointment notices for philosophy professors -- even those with tenure -- amid debates over budget and the curriculum.

Dozens Walk Out at Notre Dame to Protest Pence

Dozens of students about to graduate from the University of Notre Dame walked out of the commencement ceremony Sunday morning...