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Academic Minute: States and Gun Laws

Today on the Academic Minute, Aaron Kivisto, assistant professor in the college of applied behavioral sciences at the University of...

Proposed Federal Policy Would Cripple University Research

A proposal by the federal Office of Management and Budget would leave higher education research institutions in every state in an impossible situation, write the chief research officers of 12 Florida colleges and universities.

Cutting Everything … Except Athletics

Some Wright State faculty members wonder why the university’s athletics budget is protected, but nothing else is.

Fuller Theological Seminary Will Close Campuses

Fuller Theological Seminary will close several of its campuses amid falling in-person enrollment and rising online enrollment. The seminary based...

A Work in Progress

Gay rights group gathers leaders of black colleges and universities to discuss path to making them more inclusive of LGBTQ students.

Social Network Policing

Should Facebook and Twitter do more to police their networks? In today's Academic Minute, Mount Saint Mary College's Stephen Cheskiewicz...

Trigger Warnings Ahead

New book seeks to round out the trigger warning debate with competing histories of the trend and case studies from the classroom.

Obama Under Secretary Is ACE's Next President

Ted Mitchell brings a wide-ranging background to the American Council on Education, including work on reforms the higher education lobby group has opposed.