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Nonprofit National University System to Purchase For-Profit Northcentral U

The nonprofit National University System announced today that it plans to acquire the for-profit Northcentral University, which specializes in online...

Wealth Shock

Losing your wealth can have devastating consequences. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Michigan's Carlos Mendes de Leon examines...

Free Digital Textbooks vs. Purchased Commercial Textbooks

Open educational resources have saved students millions of dollars, but can they also improve students’ grades?

Is There a Right to Know a College Might Close?

After Mount Ida College closure, Massachusetts proposals grapple with whether colleges should disclose shutdown possibilities and when regulators should step in.

The Week in Admissions News

Cowboys as marketing theme; student loan game show; politics of free college; low-income students at selective colleges.

Transfers Up at University of California Campuses

System notoriously hard to get into sees notable increase in those coming from state's community colleges -- and also gains in minority enrollments through that route.

For Fate of SAT Writing Test, Watch California

More top colleges drop requirement and University of California is studying the test, which College Board defends. Plus, more colleges go test optional; controversy over math scores on SAT. Update: Michigan drops essay.

Blind Staff Loyalty

The Temple rankings scandal points to flaws in the way higher education leaders treat professional staff, writes Allison H. Keene.