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Mixed Views on AP Courses

Many fear students feel pressure to take too many of them. Admissions directors say they respect other kinds of rigorous courses just as much.

Truth Teller, Guru, Hypocrite?

Jordan Peterson dishes out what he sees as harsh truths, but can he take them in return? Critics see hypocrisy and even misogyny in his threats to sue them for defamation.

Enemies of the People?

In the face of the administration's attacks on the press, Greg Britton questions whether his work as a scholarly publisher really differs from that of journalists.

The 2018 Surveys of Admissions Leaders: The Pressure Grows

Not only are a majority of colleges failing to fill their new classes by May 1, the traditional target date...

Yale Law Investigates Allegation on Kavanaugh

Did faculty members encourage female applicants for his clerkships to appear like models?

Assessing Blame in Player's Death

University of Maryland athletic staffers' errors led to the death of a football player, investigation finds.

Ohio State Professors Condemn Domestic Violence

Ohio State University professors in the University Senate released a statement Friday condemning domestic and sexual violence, a reference to...

Cal State Long Beach Retires 'Prospector Pete'

California State University, Long Beach, is retiring its controversial Prospector Pete mascot, which critics say represents the genocide of indigenous...