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Complaints About Coalition Application

Some counselors report frustrations as early-decision deadlines loom.

Cutting Ties

Cornell ends a partnership with Renmin University of China, citing academic freedom concerns.

Rival Pot Suppliers and Incidents at East Stroudsburg

Two shootings, a brawl, a stabbing and a drug raid have occurred on campus at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania...

Accused Caviar-Running Professor Retires

A research professor of fisheries at the University of Georgia is retiring as he is accused of profiting from the...

Objections to SUNY Event With Turkish Partner

Middle East studies scholars are objecting to a panel event the State University of New York is cosponsoring this Friday...

Activists, but Not for Political Parties

A new report shows college students are more interested in joining groups that are issue based rather than those only aligned to Democrats or Republicans.

Analysts: Textbook Rentals Could Pay Off for Publishers

Textbook publishers moving from print sales to rental programs and digital subscription services may find long-term success, but not without...

America’s Fabulous Admission Contraption

The Harvard admissions case raises doubts -- well beyond the discrimination claims -- about the way elite colleges admit students, writes Edward Tenner.