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Duquesne Students Want Answers on Athlete's Death

Students at Duquesne University are demanding that administrators share more information about the death of a football player who allegedly...

Appeals Court Applies Limits to Whistle-Blower Protections

The False Claims Act does not protect employees who blow the whistle on an employer from retaliation that occurs only...

I Am Cited, Ergo Sum

In fact, argues Peter C. Herman, the question for scholars should be “Who reads us, anyway?”

More 'OK to Be White' Fliers on Campuses

Two more colleges are reporting the appearance of "It's OK to Be White" posters. The latest campuses are the University...

Academic Minute: Hydrothermal Vents

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Carleton College Week: Rika Anderson, assistant professor of biology, examines how life survives...

Massachusetts Keeps Trans Protections

State rejects bid to repeal law providing for equality in public accommodations. Higher ed leaders pushed to keep law. In Seattle, voters approve property tax hike to pay for free community college.

How Will Unresolved Research Questions Get Answered?

Technology-enabled learning might be the future of education, but empirical studies haven't caught up to the hype. Funding is tight and approaches are scattered.

Digital Learning in ‘Inside Higher Ed’ This Week

Among the topics: Two universities go big on big data; Arizona State and Uber team up on online degrees; federal investigations into web accessibility; dealing with GDPR.