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Choosing a College: The Virtues of a Good Misfit

All the talk about helping prospective students find "the perfect fit" may be discouraging them from truly valuable experiences at colleges where they may thrive, writes Diana Senechal.

Inspector General Will Scrutinize Civil Rights, OPM Providers in 2019

The Education Department’s Office of Inspector General will examine the department’s dismissal of civil rights complaints and the relationship between...

Central European University Forced Out of Hungary

Central European University announced today that it has been forced out of Hungary and will move its U.S.-accredited academic programs...

The Impact of Holistic Admissions

LSU finds increased diversity with its first class using a new system. But not everyone is applauding the switch.

Truth, Facts and Liberal Education in a 'Post-Truth' Era

Colleges and universities must ensure that students know not only how to exercise intellectual skills but also that certain things are so, writes Grant Cornwell.

The Rebound of the Red Spruce

The red spruce is coming back to the northeastern United States. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Vermont's Alexandra...

You're Fired

Professor says she's "terminating" Michigan State as her employer after it ignored her harassment complaints against an administrator and then pursued what she calls cooked-up research misconduct allegations against her.

Autograding System Goes Awry, Students Fume

Computer science students at the University of California, Berkeley, are frustrated with a malfunctioning autograding system.