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Final Exam Fail?

Health sciences final exam question on gangs, race and graffiti rubs some the wrong way at Cal State Long Beach. Now the professor is under investigation.

Advance Closing Notice

Newbury College announces early that it is closing, avoiding mistakes other colleges have made.

Harvard Economist Found to Have Harassed Lab Workers

Roland G. Fryer Jr., Henry Lee Professor of Economics at Harvard University and faculty director of the Education Innovation Laboratory...

The Growth of Unmet Need

Many colleges say they provide enough aid for students to enroll. New analysis suggests otherwise.

Women, College, Marriage and Jobs

Attending a more selective college may be linked to increased odds of working, decreased odds of marriage for women, but not men, study suggests.

U of Wyoming Returns Gift to Convicted Sex Offender

The University of Wyoming has returned $800,000 to Tony Cercy and voided a $2 million pledge made by Cercy and...

Should Colleges Consider Home Equity?

Stanford becomes latest institution to drop the value of family homes when calculating ability of a student to pay.

Eastern Orthodox Church Leader Sues Princeton

A spiritual leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church is suing Princeton University to regain possession of three Byzantine-era texts in...