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For-Profit Nursing Graduates More Likely to Fail Licensure Test

A study published by researchers at George Washington University's Milken Institute School of Public Health found that graduates from for-profit...

Will Higher Ed Keep AI in Check?

Machine learning and artificial intelligence carry inherent risks to colleges and universities and their students -- but only if the people making the decisions fail to exert control over the tools’ influence, Fred Singer argues.

New York Governor Proposes New For-Profit Regulations

New York governor Andrew Cuomo has proposed increasing regulations on for-profit institutions as part of his 2019-20 budget plan. Under...

Reports: Job of Michigan State Interim President in Doubt After Comments on Abuse Victims

Michigan State University's board has scheduled a special meeting Thursday morning to discuss "a personnel matter" amid growing calls for...

Managing in Challenging Times: Finance and Personnel Issues Facing Higher Ed

This webcast will explore how colleges cultivate the next generation of talent, how financial experts work with academic leaders, how...

The Disenchantment of the World

Is the world becoming more disenchanted? In today's Academic Minute, Franklin Pierce University's Doug Challenger looks into how religious thought...

Banning a Book, in the Name of ‘True Academic Freedom’

Roman Catholic colleges have some of the most open curricula among religious institutions. But that didn't stop Franciscan University from banning a book that portrays the Virgin Mary as sexual -- and ousting a department chair for teaching it.

Stunning Departure at Chapel Hill

Carol Folt announces she has ordered removal of Confederate plaques and that she is stepping down. System board leader criticizes her actions.