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Trump Budget Today: Cuts, Loan Costs

The Trump administration will today release its proposals for the federal budget. Leaked information to several news outlets says that...

Protest Planned Over Racist Video at Charleston

Black students at the College of Charleston are planning to walk out of classes today to protest a racist video...

Altruism and Kidney Donation

Why are some people more altruistic than others? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Pennsylvania's Kristin Brethel-Haurwitz digs into...

Sexism and Sexual Violence in Campus Tech Groups

The public focuses on fraternities when it comes to rape culture, but a recent incident at Berkeley illustrates how other kinds of student clubs can be hotbeds of sexual violence.

$50 Million Gift for Law School at George Mason

George Mason University on Thursday announced a $50 million bequest from the late Judge Allison M. Rouse and his wife...

12 Groups Oppose Trump Idea on Campus Speech

Twelve groups have issued a joint statement opposing President Trump's pledge to issue an executive order to bar federal research...

University of Virginia Sets $15 Minimum Wage

The University of Virginia announced Thursday that it is instituting a minimum wage of $15 an hour. “As a university...

Net Rupture

Scott McLemee reviews Manuel Castells's Rupture: The Crisis of Liberal Democracy.