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What's Next for Federal Innovation Rules?

The federal rule-making process can be confusing. Here are the answers to your pressing questions about how it might affect distance education and innovative programs.

Duke's Choice Angers Its Neighbors

University says proposed light rail line would pose hazards to its medical and research facilities, balks at crucial moment in 20-year transit partnership.

Presidential Support (With Caveats) for OER

Survey finds campus leaders support use of open educational resources to reduce student textbook costs, but concerns linger about quality. They also feel more comfortable with their knowledge of digital learning.

Going Digital by Knowing Digital

College and universities ramp up initiatives to help students think critically and learn more about digital tools -- but faculty members and administrators don't always agree on the approach.

The Career Curriculum Continuum

Universities can and must remain at the center of how people learn throughout their lives, Andrew Hermalyn writes.

Digital Learning in 'Inside Higher Ed' This Week

The following news items of interest to "Inside Digital Learning" readers received coverage in Inside Higher Ed this week: Professors...

Norwegian Universities Ditch Elsevier

Norway is the latest European country to cancel its subscription deal with Elsevier, following Germany and Sweden. In a press...

Unfair at Any Speed

The long-held belief that faster is better in learning -- speedism -- hurts students of all speeds, writes Myk Garn, and should be replaced with individualized and guided learning models.